Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Alright, I added a playlist. If you want me to add some tunes let me know. This is fun! I love this sight. Chuck's students showed it to him. Now we use it all the time. How cool to add my own playlist to my blog.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Seam Ripper Day (a.k.a. blonde day)

Some days you just should not go near any projects. I think I should name my seam ripper "Rosie", because she works as hard as Rosie the riveter.

Today I used my last piece of Heat-and-Bond on the right side of my fabric. Then, I ironed it on without taking the backing off.

I did do one thing right, I got my name on my towel and it looks great. I'm glad I didn't start my curtains.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Master Gardener

Henry and I have a garden in the backyard.

We are growing: squash, zucchini, pole beans, bell peppers, 4 different tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, sunflowers, and watermelon.
I also have a potted herb garden. We have flowers all over as well.

Henry loves to garden in the nude. Sometimes you will find him in his galoshes or undies. I figure this is how all master gardeners get their start. He says, "I did it" everytime a flower blooms. He found his first veggie, a squash. We watch it grow eveyday. The sunflowers are coming out of the ground. It is amazing to think how big they will be.
I can't get pictures loaded, so I will add them soon.

In the begining....

This is the first blog! I want to share my sewing, crafting, and being a mom, wife, and woman. I also hope my mom will share and anyone else who wants in. Please, be patient as I figure this out. It will get better and have more content.